Our Vision: To give every student in Ireland an opportunity to respond to the gospel of Jesus Christ
Our Mission: Students reaching students for Christ
Our Values:
1. Fuelled by the gospel of grace: We see our mission and all we do as an overflow of joy–filled hearts won by the love of Christ, constantly thrilled with the cross, and compelled to want to make him known
2. Confident in the sufficiency of Scripture: All we do is shaped by a dynamic engagement with God’s Word, submitting to its authority in all of life, and with deep conviction that this is where Christ is most clearly and desirably seen by Christians and non–Christians
3. Joyfully dependent on God: We choose to enjoy that our loving Father is in control, that apart from Christ we can do nothing and that only his Spirit can produce fruit. We are not ashamed to be completely dependent in prayer, recognising that all glory in anything we do is all his
4. Striving for unity in Christ: We draw Christians from all backgrounds to unite on campus for the sake of urgent mission, being only constrained by the gospel’s demands but showing the generosity on which the gospel insists
5. Generously serving the Church: We are committed to local churches as the place of lifelong mission and discipleship, seeking to nurture and mobilise future leaders for the Church in Ireland and around the world
6. Passionately engaged in God’s world: We endeavour to glorify God in everything we do as his image–bearers by living holistically in his world, engaging wisely with culture, serving generously on campus, thinking biblically about studies, and developing a Christian mind
7. Investing in dynamic student–leadership: We equip students to live and speak for Jesus, seeking the good of the campus communities to which they belong, and investing creatively and with transparent integrity in student societies
Our Strategy:
1. We form Christian Unions as missional communities at the heart of every campus in Ireland
2. We are flexible, seeking to apply our vision and values creatively in different cultural contexts so that we can best make the gospel of Jesus Christ hearable on every campus, by every student
3. We exist for mission, believing this will best happen and glorify God as we grow as disciples of Jesus Christ with hearts captivated by his love and the glory of his cross, not merely through strategies or techniques
Find out how to invest in CUI today, and give students in Ireland an opportunity to become passionate, lifelong followers of Jesus Christ.